Mutually Connecting Indigenous Communities with Industry
B.E.T. Inc. operating as BugEye Technologies has Established Alliances
Local and International Industry Organizations
National and Local Indigenous Organizations
Commercial, Construction and Industrial Companies
Environmental, Oil & Gas and Mining Companies
Provincial Government Agencies
Federal Government Departments
The Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business is projecting Canada's Indigenous economy will grow from $30 billion a year today to $100 billion by 2024.
There are about 50,000 Indigenous businesses in Canada , and they are growing at nine times the rate of non-Aboriginal business, according to the Council.
B.E.T. Inc, since 1996 has successfully facilitated building the relationships between non-Indigenous and Indigenous businesses to mutually create "Win-Win" economic development bridges.
This includes our executive team working within multi-billion dollar organizations in Indigenous leadership positions to meet your corporate goals, mandates and objectives.
B.ET. Inc, (100% Aboriginal owned) is a supporter of PSAB certification and merges with external business partners to cooperatively support winning Government contracts.